Sourcing from India
India is home to a vast array of traditional products: handmade textiles, opulent carpets, vegetable-dyed throws, organic linen, and everyday accessories in beautiful crochet. It also boasts some of the most modern industrial units, which mass-produce sheets, towels, tapestries, and other home decor products at high standards.
Whether you’re looking for designer labels or value merchandise, India is the ideal destination for every home goods brand.
Allow us to introduce you to our fabulous country and its rich crafts. We are a team of professionals with an in-depth understanding of manufacturing processes and years of experience working with the biggest names in retail. Our international outlook and local expertise will assist you in navigating the business of international sourcing with confidence.

Selling to India
We are experts on India’s diverse business market, a broad online bazaar bustling with vibrant products and a fast-paced lifestyle. We partner with international companies and introduce sustainable products into the Indian market. If you are interested in exploring the Indian market and looking for ethical solutions, Port of Trust will help you gain local knowledge and find success.

At present -Port of Trust is a proud representative of two innovative start-ups from Finland:
Paptic OY
A winner of several awards for sustainability, Paptic has been replacing plastic packaging with its reusable and recyclable Paptic® Tringa since 2018. Learn More
Infinited Fiber Company
IFC is innovating a radical technology that utilizes an iterative process to repeatedly produce new fiber from recycled textiles, agro waste and even cardboard! The process can be repeated endlessly while preserving 100% quality and staying cost-effective. Learn More